Christina Butler is dean of faculty, professor of historic preservation, and chair of general education at American College of the Building Arts. She is also an adjunct faculty member for Clemson University Masters of Historic Preservation program and for College of Charleston's Historic Preservation and Community Planning department. Butler is the owner of Butler Preservation L.C., which specializes in historic property research, National Register nominations, and preservation plans. She is the author of Charleston Horse Power: Equine Culture in the Palmetto City; Lowcountry At High Tide: The history of flooding, land reclamation, and drainage in Charleston, South Carolina; Ansonborough: From Birth the Rebirth for Historic Charleston Foundation; and Italians in the Lowcountry for Dante Alighieri Society. She holds an M.A. in history from the Citadel, a B.A. in historic preservation and community planning from College of Charleston, and a certificate in Construction Technology from Auburn Career Center. Christina enjoys researching buildings, traveling to historic cities, equestrian activities, and restoration carpentry in her spare time.