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We are honored to have Robert A. Leath, Executive Director, Edenton Historical Commission & Elizabeth Vann Moore Foundation, open the 2024 program as the Keynote Speaker on Friday evening.

New World, New Voices is the first of three Symposium programs leading up to July 2026 when the United States of America will celebrate the 250th anniversary of its founding. This year, we are examining the peoples who were living in America’s vast spaces during the 17th and 18th centuries. As voices began to call for self-determination, these groups were already forging a unique identity for the new nation through their rich cultural and artistic contributions.

Limited to 80 patrons, the Charleston Symposium sells out quickly. You are encouraged to sign up early for this year’s exciting program taking place March 8–10, 2024.



5:00-6:00 p.m.  
Symposium Registration and Opening Night Reception: 
Old Federal Court Room, 23 Chalmers Street 
Built in the early 19th-century, the building housed the U.S. District Court from 1845 to 1860 before becoming part of the Confederate Home and College property. In 1867 Mary Amarinthia Snowden and her sister, Isabella Yates Snowden, established a home for Confederate widows and orphans. Later they started a college on the premises. It is still known as the Confederate Home. The spirit of compassion of the Snowden sisters lives on today as the Confederate Home and College is a source of 5 college scholarships and moderately priced housing for qualified residents.

6:00-7:00 p.m. 
“We Cannot Be Indifferent”: The Revolutionary Women of Eighteenth-Century Edenton
Keynote Address with Robert A. Leath
Executive Director of the Edenton Historical Commission and Elizabeth Vann Moore Foundation; Edenton, NC 


8:15 a.m. 
Coffee Service: Old Federal Court Room, 23 Chalmers Street 

8:45-9:15 a.m. 
Welcoming Remarks and Preservation Society Overview 
Brian R. Turner, President & C.E.O.,
Preservation Society of Charleston; Charleston, SC

9:15-10:15 a.m. 
On this Ground: Being and Belonging in America
Karen Kramer, The Stuart W. and Elizabeth F. Pratt Curator of Native American and Oceanic Art and Culture,
Peabody Essex Museum; Salem, MA

10:30-11:30 a.m. 
Charles Town's African landscapes: trans-Atlantic perspectives
Louis P. Nelson, Ph.D., Professor of Architectural History and Vice Provost for Academic Outreach,
University of Virginia; Charlottesville, VA

11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. 
Extraordinary art / authentic narratives: Re-Presenting the American Collections at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Alexandra A. Kirtley The Montgomery-Garvan Curator of American Decorative Arts,
Philadelphia Museum of Art; Philadelphia, PA

12:45-2:00 p.m. 
Midday Break
Box lunches are being provided 
Old Federal Court Room, 23 Chalmers Street 

2:00-3:00 p.m.
The First Revolutions in South Carolina, 1719–1729
Nic Butler, Ph.D., Historian,
The Charleston County Public Library; Charleston, SC

3:15-4:15 p.m.
Nature and Landscape: Shaping Early America's Identity
Margaret B. Pritchard, Deputy Chief Curator,
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation; Williamsburg, VA

4:15-4:30 p.m.
Symposium Synopsis and introduction to the evening Study House the c.1850 Ettsel Adams House at 29 Montagu Street
Robert A. Leath, Executive Director,
Edenton Historical Commission; Edenton, NC

6:00-7:30 p.m.
Evening Soirée at the 1850 Ettsel Adams House, 29 Montagu Street
Built in 1850 this tall Charleston townhouse is a brick, three story, three bay, side-hall, double parlor residence built on a high foundation. The dwelling retains its beautiful original brickwork, laid in the Flemish bond pattern on the front facade, six-over-six windows, and double-tiered piazzas with Tuscan columns and turned balusters. The current owners are enthusiastic supporters of Charleston artists and craftsmen. It is a lovely gracious home built for family and entertaining.

Shuttles are provided to the 1850 Ettsal Adams House from the Old Federal Court Room.

SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2024

10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Study Tour of the Charles Elliot House (c. 1759)
The Charles Elliott House is a stunning example of Charleston single house architecture. The restoration of this classic single Charleston house has recently been completed by the private owner. The Renovation Project Director, Ralph Harvard, Ralph Harvard, Inc., along with Architectural Conservator, Richard Marks, Richard Marks Restorations, Inc., will present their discoveries, thoughts, and notes on the renovation process and completion.

This special visit includes Bloody Marys and a light brunch.

Shuttles are provided to the Charles Elliot House from the Old Federal Court Room.