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Margaret B. Pritchard


Antique print and map specialist Historic interiors consultant Knowledge of period design sources


The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Deputy Chief Curator,October 2015 to present

Supports the Chief Curator with all duties relating to exhibitions in Colonial Williamsburg's museums and historic interiors. Serves as liaison with the Development Division.

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Senior Curator of Maps, Prints, and Wallpaper, June 1981 to September 2015

Responsible for acquiring, researching, publishing, and creating exhibitions relating to printed graphics and wallpaper between 1700 and 1840.

The College of William & Mary

Adjunct Faculty, September 1978 to June 1981

With other Colonial Williamsburg Curators, taught a course on the Decorative Arts in Colonial America.

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Rockefeller Brothers Fellow, December 1978 to June 1981

Participated in a major project to research appropriate objects and period decoration in order to refurnish the Governor's Palace in Colonial Williamsburg using an inventory of the contents taken in 1770.

The Henry Francis DuPont Winterthur Museum Intern, September 1977 to November 1978

Assisted the curators with research projects and object inventory in the museum.


"Textile and Paper Treatments for Walls and Ceilings," in The Chesapeake House: The Practice of Architectural Investigation byColonial Williamsburg, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, January 2013.

"A Protracted View: The Relationship between Mapmakers and Naturalists in Recording the Land," in Amy R. W. Meyers,ed. Curious in our Way: The Culture of Nature in Philadelphia1740-1840New Haven: Yale University Publications, 2011.

Degrees of Latitude: Mapping Colonial America , co-authored with Henry G. Taliaferro. Published by Harry F. Abrams and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 2002

Empire's Nature: Mark Catesby's New World Vision, co-edited with Amy R. W. Meyers. Introductory essay co-authored withAmy R. W. Meyers. Published by the University of North Carolina Press for the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and the Omohundro Institute for Early American History and Culture. October 1998.

William Byrd II and His Lost History: Engravings of the Americas , co-authored with Virginia L.

Sites. Published by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 1993.


"Mark Catesby's watercolor of the bald eagle?" The Magazine Antiques, May/June 2015

"A Rich and Varied Culture: The Material World of the Early South," co-authored with Ronald L. Hurst. Antiques & Fine Arts. Winter/Spring 2014.

"Useful devices: the prints and maps at MESDA." The Magazine Antiques, January 2007. "John Drayton's Watercolors." The Magazine Antiques, January 2003.

"Maps in the Colonial Williamsburg Collection." The Porto/an, Winter 2002 "Maps as objects of material culture." The Magazine Antiques, January, 2001.

"'Proper to Hang a Passage and Staircase': The Discovery of Original Wallpapers at Kenmore,"

Restoring Kenmore . November 1999, The Kenmore Association, Inc.

"Rethinking Two Houses at Colonial Williamsburg," co-authored with William Graham. The Magazine Antiques . January, 1996.


"We Are One: Mapping America's Road from Revolution to Independence," co-curated with Ron Grim, Leventhal MapCenter of the Boston Public Library. DeWitt Wallace Museums of Colonial Williamsburg

"A Rich and Varied Culture: The Material World of the Early South," co-curated with Ronald L. Hurst. DeWitt Wallace Museums of Colonial Williamsburg

"More than Meets the Eye: Maps and Prints of Early America." DeWitt Wallace Museums of Colonial Williamsburg

"Degrees of Latitude: Maps of America from the Colonial Williamsburg Collection" traveling exhibition. Venues at the New-York Historical Society, The Milwaukee Art Museum, The Concord Museum, The DAR Museum, and the DeWitt Wallace Museums of Colonial Williamsburg

"Drawing on Nature." DeWitt Wallace Museums of Colonial Williamsburg

"Mark Catesby's Natural History of America: The Watercolors from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle" DeWitt Wallace Museums of Colonial Williamsburg

"Images of Nature, Creations of Man: Natural History and the Decorative Arts" DeWitt Wallace Museums of Colonial Williamsburg


Board of Governors
The Decorative Arts Trust

Board of Trustees
Drayton Hall

Board of Trustees
Williamsburg Community Foundation